Core /


Typical applications will use paginated lists, filtered (input) data, sorted output and contain navigation buttons.
It is common that these features will complicate the flow, but in Boxary's Graph Visualisation they are integrated. Their effects are adjustment on the input side (sql) and the appearance of Slots in the rendered Page whenever applicable.
These features can be initialised in the appScripts and/or instigated by http GET query strings: & parameter = ( content )

Navigate (canvas)

  • a Canvas must be navigated.
  • a navigator is created selectively by the script in its App.
  • a navigator is attached to the Canvas, and visits Face.

$navigator: app->setNavigation(face, param): navbar, menu, breadCrumbs

Paginate (criteria)

  • the resulting output can be paginated, which will adjust the query.
  • a paginator is created in Face in list-mode and used once.
  • a paginator is local to the Face and visits Criteria on ->paginate.

$paginator: criteria->paginate(criteria, param): paginate - = ( page, perpage, style)

Filter (graph)

  • the invoked input can be filtered, which will adjust the query.
  • a filter is created in list-mode and used once.
  • a filter is attached to the Face, created in App, adjusted in Planar and guessed in Criteria
  • There is only one Filter.

$filter: app->setFilters(criteria, param): filter, search, sortBy - filter = ( column:'value' )

Search (planar)

  • a search can be embedded on any property of the tree, and adjusts the query
  • a search is created as a filter.
  • a search is attached to the Canvas, created in App, adjusted in Planar and guessed in Criteria.

search = ( 'value', . . . )

SortBy / OrderBy (graph)

  • the resulting output can be sorted, adjusting the query
  • ordering by the Ranking column is automatic and always ascending, unless overridden

sortBy = ( column:ASC, . . . )

Not so Obvious

Actuate (new planar)

  • a transaction may be pruned so the initial planar has some values
  • a actuator is created in edit-mode with new-trac, when applicable, and is used once
  • a actuator is attached to the App and modifies the edit-mode
  • There is only one Actuator.

$actuator: planar->actuate(planar, param): branch